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Update the free version to premium version


Update the free version to premium version


Here you can read how you update your free plugin to premium plugin.

When using the free version

When you have a valid premium license or bought a license trough the free version then its important that you first download the premium version. This download is available in your Freemius account on:

After downloading its IMPORTANT that you uninstall the free version FIRST. After that you can install the PREMIUM version 

If the premium version is installed and you click on activate you see this screen. Here you must fill in your license:

If you do not get this screen you can go to plugins and click below the plugin on activate:

You will get this popup to fill in your license:

If you can not find your license key you can click on the link: Can't find your license key?You will then get a popup to select your email or fill in your email and send license to you:

When using the premium version

If the premium version is installed and you click on activate you see this screen. Here you must fill in your license:

If you do not get this screen you can go to plugins and click below the plugin on activate:

You will get this popup to fill in your license:

If you can not find your license key you can click on the link: Can't find your license key?You will then get a popup to select your email or fill in your email and send license to you:

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